Although back pain seems like something that only your grandma or grandfather would complain about, it is something that anybody could experience. Back pains do not only take place during old age due to degenerative musculoskeletal disorders, but it could likewise be an outcome of inappropriate posture, accidents, or traumas. Be it persistent or acute; it is necessary to know how to deal with it. Below are some practical tips from the Clovis Chiropractor that might offer you relief just in case of an episode of back pain:
Cold and hot compress– by alternately applying a heat pack and an ice bag every 10 minutes on the location of where your neck and back pain is mostly felt, this alleviates the inflammation and at the same time numbing the area. That is naturally if the cause of the pain is swelling due to trauma or injury directed at your back.
NSAIDs or painkiller– also known as acetaminophen, painkillers are an efficient temporary relief for a bad episode of pain in the back. Although it does not cure the cause of the pains itself, it is a great way to ease the pain while your back is healing. Obviously, although these medications are over the counter, it is necessary that you have your neck and back pain examined by a doctor initially, so you will understand that the kind of pain in the back that you have is simply a single episode that will eventually disappear and absolutely nothing more.
Lie down and rest– sometimes neck and back pains could be due to incorrect posture, sitting the wrong way, or twisting your back the wrong way. This can be eventually eliminated by lying down with your raised against a wall or a high chair for a minimum of Thirty Minutes, two times a day. Your torso and ought to be at a 90-degree angle with your aligned legs to stretch and unwind the muscles of your back. This will alleviate the discomfort in a matter of days as long as you do it constantly.
Drink a lot of water– since our joints and ligaments are primarily cushioned by a liquid that prevents the bones from grinding into each other, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated. The disks in your spinal column should be well hydrated, so you will not experience unnecessary back pain. And besides, properly hydrating yourself has a positive effect on your body and therefore it is a win-win for your health in general.
And last however not the least, do appropriate and frequent extending– sitting behind a desk for prolonged time periods or straining your back from hunching while walking will ultimately cause back injury. By stretching out your body, it will loosen up your back and assistance ease any nerve that was captured between your spinal column.